Peter Frampton Honored with 2024 Les Paul Spirit Award at Exclusive Gibson Garage Event

Michael Braunstein, Executive Director and the legendary Peter Frampton at the 2024 Les Paul Spirit Award event where Peter was the recipient of the annual award made from the actual wood from Les’ home studio acoustic wall and of which he hand carved himself. Michael presented Peter with the award at the Gibson Garage in partnership with Gibson Gives in Nashville at a VIP private reception. Photo credit: Mitch Conrad
The legendary Peter Frampton performs after receiving the 2024 Les Paul Spirit Award at the Gibson Garage in partnership with Gibson Gives in Nashville on Sunday, June 9th, 2024. It was a fitting tribute on what would have been Les’ 109th birthday. Frampton performed some of his greatest hits to a standing room only crowd at the official VIP reception. Photo credit: Mitch Conrad